Ticket Purchased before September 15th are
Tickets purchased after September 15th are The event includes catered food, DJ, door prizes, slide show, a few suprises, amazing view of the city and great atmoshpere.
If you could please make the cheque out to Clayton Imoo and mail in ASAP (we have deposits to pay off)
Unfortunately we cannot sell tickets at the door since we have to give a headcount to the hotel and catering company
Clayton Imoo PricewaterhouseCoopers 601 West Hastings Street, Suite 1700 Vancouver, BC V6B 5A5
Please RSVP to Jill Fransen @
A ticket will be mailed back to you.
Any questions? Please call Jill Fransen @ 604.806.7724
Flying Beaver
I have also booked the Flying Beaver in Richmond (at the small airport) for Friday October 4th This will be an informal drop in affair show up anytime after 7pm.
Door Prizes/ Games? Ideas?
If you or your company can donate any door prizes please let us know. As for the evening so far we are preparing a slide show, so please e-mail me your pictures in digital format. If you have any idea for games or ice-breakers lets us know.
Get the word out
Please help us spread the word by locating these missing people:
Amarasekera Tara
Ang Catherine
Au-Yeung Tony
Bains Sandeep
Baker Johanna
Balagot Geraldine
Beenham Tammy
Berger Tadd
Blair Kathy
Booth Dana
Breslaw Shari
Brooks Erica
Brox Eric
Bruce Sandra
Bull Kevan
Butler Sean
Cai Alan
Carandang Brian
Chan Mandy
Chan Yvonne
Chan Wendy
Chang Carrie
Chang Coleen
Chao Elaine
Chau Mi-I-Kei
Chen Rachel
Chen William
Chohan Rupi
Choi Jackson
Choi Jackson
Chow Florence
Choy Ian
Choy Ian
Chui Candy
Cianni Angela
Clark Kenneth
Craven Lee
Dagan Iwona
Davis Dawn
Davis Tony
Dawson Terry
Dhillon Darshy
Diaz Ramon
Dickinson John
Din Fareen
Dragan Iwona
Dunn Sarah
Dyogi Ma Theresa
Esmail Shazma
Evans Mike
Evers Jay
Feder Jean-Paul
Fee Peter
Fink Heidi
Forystek Robert
Foster Ginny
French Frankie
Fu Lawrence
Fung Felix
Gahr Harpal
Gan Melody
Glock Marcee
Go Karen
Goodall Geoff
Gorelkin Elena
Grant Jason
Green Brad
Greyval Arie
Hamilton Stacy
Hancock George
Haraguchi Yoshi
Hardy Denise
Hartley Jennifer
Hayward Paul
Heidmeier Derek
Helm Frederic
Heung Kiki
Hicks Mark
Hirst Barbara
Ho Chris
Ho Erica
Ho Sandy
Ho Todd
Hoff Jordan James
Hooper Stacey
Hsu Ching
Hsu Florence
Hsu Vincent
Hsu Shirley
Huang Darry
Huang Sally
Hui Mandy
Hung Charlene
Hung Ron
Hung Sharon
Hung Yu Kim
Hunter Brandee
Iannattone Maria
Ilsever Sibel
Irish Trevor
Jantzan Jason
Jarbo Trevor
Johal Harj
Kalve Christian
Kang Gurtej
Keith Duncan
Khlla Don
Khoo Choon
Khung Nancy
Klassen (Rennert) Jennifer
Klinka Karl
Kong Elac
Kong Kelly
Koskitalo Wayne
Kruger Adam
Kwan Jean
Kwok Patrick
Labuda Patrick
Lad Kamini
Lai Beatrice
Lai Christine
Lai Dominic
Lalli Amrit
Lam Carol
Lam Grace
Lam Patsy
Lam Sofia
Lam Teresa
Landon Thomas
Lau Alan
Lau Karen
Lau Kendrew
Lau Margaret
Lau Nelson
Lau Samantha
Lau Virginia
Leclerc Corey
Lee Alan
Lee Carrie
Lee Kent
Lee Thomas
Leung Jason
Lewis Tony
Li Gloria
Liaw Yit Sang
Liou Jackson
Lo Anselm
Lu Abel
Luke Michelle
Ma Carlsen
Maglio Kellee
Mann Hardeep
Marzara Ziba
McCallum Kathy
McMahon Julie
Meng Robert
Mohamed Nazlin
Mong Caroline
Mukherjee Sumit
Naito Patricia
Nasternak Agnieszka
Ness Tracey
Ng Ewan
Ngan Franco
Ngo Tuyen
Nishi Howard
Niu I-Wae
Nurani Faisal
Orienie Arnold
Orkun Aktug
Otomo Hiromi
Palmer Colin
Pan Freddy
Pan Jessica
Park Andy
Park Jenna
Payne Kris
Peacey Jon
Pereda Javier
Perkins Evan
Perrin Jennifer
Pow Calvin
Pratap Romila
Ram Shakila
Ramsbottom Laura
Reehal Rajinder
Reid Bradley
Reid Julia
Reuter Scott
Revita Maristel
Reyes Carlos Paolo
Richmond Todd
Rochard Darryl
Rodney James
Saggu Kuldeep
Schuerch Sam
Schunter Karen
Seth Craig
Shannon Mike
Shih Benny
Shih Frances
Shimizu Azumi
Silverman Danielle
Simpson Elizabeth
Singh Surti
Siu Winnie
Smith Gary
Smith Jesse
Smith Kerry
Sommerfeld Christina
Sou Jeffrey
Sou Susie
Sprague Jeffrey
Swiderski Connie
Szymanski Tommy
Tan Mervyn
Tang Angela
Tarr Joy
Tavares Victor
Timms Darren
Timog Rowell
Tsai Landy
Vereczki Vivien
Virk Bindu
Wan Eric
Watt Spencer
Wilson Julie
Wilson Ray
Wilson Shawn
Wolfe Gerald
Wolpow Monica
Wong Greta
Wong Kendrick
Wong Lily
Wong Patrick
Wong Samuel
Wong Vivian
Woo Catherine
Woo Felix
Wu David
Wu George
Wu Mary
Yan Edwin
Yap Bernice
Yau Alex
Yeung Bryan
Yeung David
Yeung Sunny
Ying Katy
Yip Corinna
Yiu Roger
Yoon Ki Young
Young David
Youseetan Nima
Yu Tony
Captions for pictures
Adding captions makes my pictures more interesting.
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